Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things That Make Life Easier as a Reader/Blogger

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Sheri's List
1. My Kindle 
2. NY Times Bestseller List
3. Blogs that discuss the strengths and weaknesses of books
4. Exchanging books with friends and family
5. Children and cats who like to snuggle on the couch while Mommy reads

Pam's List
1.  My Kindle
2.  The library 
I've been getting more and more books from the library.  Why wasn't I doing this before now?  I  request books from the library, they send them to the branch closest to my house, and I just go pick them up.  It may take a few days to a week, but unless it's a book I want to read that very moment, it's really not that big of a deal to wait (especially since I have so many books I need/want to read sitting around).  And a lot of books I can just borrow on my Kindle.  Yay!
3.  Goodreads/Amazon (that one-click will be the death of me--financially)
4.  Book blogs
5.  Bloglovin' (it makes it so easy to follow other book blogs!)


  1. I don't use my local library as it doesn't have a very good selection of books at all. Which is a great shame! Great list!

  2. The library is the best. My system works like that, too (you order a book and send it to your branch). I adore my Kindle and bring it with me everywhere I go. I love Bloglovin, too. It makes it so easy to see what my friends have recently posted. Great list!

  3. Libraries are made of awesome. :) I volunteer at my library and I have to resist bringing home 20 more books each week, haha.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. Hi...I can't even imagine what my book life would be like if I worked at a library!!! ~Sheri

  4. The library is my best friend :) I love the amount of books that I can take out or request and just go and pick them up. Thanks for sharing.

    My TTT: http://www.bookythoughtsandme.com/top-ten-tuesdays-things-that-make-your-life-as-a-blogger-easierbetter/

    1. Thanks for stopping by I will definitely check our your list! ~Sheri

  5. Aw the snuggle one was cute :) I should have put the library on my list. Borrowing ebooks on the kindle is the best!

    1. I've never tried to borrow an e-book I will definitely have to try that. And it doesn't take much for me to want to gush over my cats (HA HA HA) ~Sheri

  6. Love these thoughtful lists, and basically I agree with everything you said here. Thoughtful bloggers ARE so helpful, as are my kindle and the library especially. I've had fun viewing all of these this week.

  7. I can't believe I forgot Bloglovin #FAIL. I wish I could have included Library on my list but they never have any books that I want to read :(

    Great List!

    1. Have you tried requesting them. Pam puts in requests for pickup at her local branch and then the library lets her know when they ready. ~Sheri

  8. I need to make better use of the library. AND YES AMAZON ONE-CLICK is already the death of me o.O. Too many books on my Kindle for PC that I still haven't gotten around to reading. I bet I'd be a more productive reader if I could curl with my cat too :P.

    1. Cats are the perfect excuse for not being able to get up. ~Sheri

  9. I can't believe I forgot to put Bloglovin' on my list! *smacks self in forehead* I love my library so much! I do the exact same thing as Pam, request my books and then just go pick them up. So easy! The one click to buy button on Amazon kills my bank account all the time. It's so freaking dangerous. Great list!

    Rebecca @ The Library Canary

    1. I didn't put Blogger (or my co-blogger) on the list. Oh well! I wish I had been using my library like I do now earlier, my bank account would be a lot bigger! ~Pam
