Friday, October 25, 2013

Discussion Question: Zombies Hot or Not?

Sheri:  My own interest in zombies began after watching the movie Warm Bodies which is based on the book Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion.  There was just something so adorable about the main character, who starts off as a zombie but becomes human over the course of the movie.

Since watching Warm Bodies, I have read a few books where zombies are the main character and have even tried watching other television shows or movies focusing on zombies.  What I have come to realize is that some people write about Zombies overcoming the "disease" that causes them to be living undead (e.g. Dearly Departed) while others write about zombies who are the bad guys and stay the bad guys (e.g.. World War Z).  While I thought I liked both types of zombie books, I really only like the ones where the zombies overcome being zombies and return to the living where they are once again adorable young men and women. 

Pam:  Well, I actually have to disagree. Although I haven't read either Dearly Departed or Warm Bodies (although I loved the movie), I have read a few books where the zombies are the bad guys and I really enjoyed them.  I just finished reading Alice in Zombieland and Through the Zombie Glass and I absolutely loved them.  Five stars to both!  And then there's the Something Strange and Deadly series, which is incredible.  And the Ashes trilogy, which was dark and disturbing and not as clear cut when it comes to the evilness of the zombies, but very entertaining.  I know there's more, but those are ones I can think of off the top of my head.  So for me, not hot, because...ewww, but hot in that they make good villains.

What do you think? 

Do you like books about zombies and if so which ones? 

Or is the word "zombies" one of those words that makes you think "I don't want to read that"?


  1. I looooved Warm Bodies (the movie. haven't read the book yet.) I just love how deliciously absurd it is and the fact that it doesn't take itself at all seriously and yet still manages to be really kinda moving! The only other zombie books I can think of that I've read are Forest of Hands & Teeth, which has evil non-curable zombies, and I HATED it (that might be more to do with the vapid, self-centered main character than the zombie premise though)--and Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow. Strange Angels also has the bad irredeemable monster-zombies, but I liked that book. That said, I guess I always prefer a book where some kind of traditionally "evil" paranormal creature like a vamp or a zombie or werewolf is struggling to retain their humanity, as opposed to ones where they'er just solidly monsters with no hope of redemption.

    1. I had the same feeling about Warm can I possibly care if this relationship works out....but I really did! Thanks for participating in our discussion! ~Sheri

  2. I always said NOT! But then I read and watched Warm Bodies and now I know that they most definitely can be HOT! I had never really read any zombie books before, had only seen movies where they were the bad guys. But thanks to Warm Bodies, my opinion has changed and now I am finding more and more zombie books to read. I enjoy both kinds though, the ones where zombies are good and the ones where they are the mindless, flesh-eating bad guys.

    1. Pam has convinced me to give Alice in Zombieland a try before I give up on Zombies as bad guys. ~Sheri

  3. I do not like zombie books and try to steer clear if at all possible. But, Book Rock Betty has been raving about the Alice in Zombieland series so I might have to read it. Apparently Cole is super sexy. Lol we shall see.

    1. Just checked out Book Rock Betty blog and its fun! Thanks for sharing ~Sheri

  4. So I guess this is where I ruin the party and say I don't really like any kind of zombie haha. BUT I haven't really given them a chance, I avoid zombie books like the plague. So my feelings are completely unjustified. That being said this is an interesting post because I didn't realize there were two kinds of zombie books emerging. I think if I ever overcome my aversion to them I will try both out and maybe one will work for me more than the other.

    1. Having just tried my own "new genre" steam punk I find that I notice different things about the books I always read as a result ~Sheri

  5. I still need to read and watch Warm Bodies and I definitely plan to both. I feel like it will be the exception to the HOT rule. As a whole, I don't find zombies hot. At all. I don't really like reading about them--scary or otherwise. I have Eat, Brains, Love on my Kindle and it looks pretty cute though. Great post!

  6. oh that's a clever title I should check it out

  7. I didn't think I liked zombie books. I'd read The Forest of Hands and Teeth and thought it was so-so... and I'd read part of Ashes and ended up traumatized (I never finished it). I read Warm Bodies because I'd heard good things about it, and I absolutely LOVED the book. It was one of the best I've read all year. (I love the movie, too... even though it's a bit different from the book.) So I thought maybe I didn't mind zombies after all. But I recently read Eat, Brains, Love... and I was reminded why zombies -- for the most part -- are not my thing. I think Warm Bodies is a unique case, and it was more than just R becoming human again. That book had more heart and soul than books that don't feature people eating one another.

  8. Are zombies hot? NOOOOO~ Is R hot? Well, I guess, sort of. But what I really loved about him was his personality, his... quirks and the way he "thought" :) Ah, I just loved Warm Bodies so much. I've also watched and enjoyed the movie, it was quite funny, but on the whole the book is better, imo. Great post!
